Time Management Resources
Project Manager
Google Sheet
Here's a template that you can duplicate into your own Google Drive and fill with your monthly goals.
Remember, this sheet is something you look at each Monday Check in, so you know what to fill your weekly calendar with. (current week and the next week!)
The Project Manager gets populated with monthly & weekly goals during your quarterly check in.
24 Hour Day
A printout of the 24 hour wheel to help you figure out how much time you actually have to spend on your goals in a day, and thus, in a week!
Remember, this is a tool to use once or twice a year, to help guide your goal-making. More accurate goal-setting keeps creators motivated!
Project Timeline
We didn't have time to go over this document during my session, but this is how I organize my long-term, overlapping client projects. It helps me see how much I have to complete each week to finish on time. It also helps me judge when I can take on more work.
Projects here have strict deadlines, and I don't use it for more flexible personal projects and portfolio pieces.
My tip for this document is: don't use it if you don't have strict deadlines. Your personal projects will do just fine in your project manager, where you can move things around if they don't get completed. So for writers this may not be the best tool.
As an illustrator taking on multiple projects with deadlines, it works great!!
Check-In Agendas
If you're using my check-in system, take a look at these agendas! They may help you structure your meetings with yourself. 😆
30 min for a Monday Check-In (plan 2 weeks),
3 hours for a Quarterly Check-In (plan 3 months), and
3 hours for a Yearly Check-In (plan 1 year).
Check-Ins take time, but the clarity they bring make them worth it!